Center for Research on Environment, Human Security & Governance
International Symposium: "Climate Change and Law: A Challenge for the COP22", October 20-21, Rabat.
Symposium International : "Changements climatiques et Droit: Un enjeu pour la COP22", 20 et 21 octobre 2016 à Rabat.
- Workshop on "Climate Change within the Perspective of Human Security", organized by the Research Group INREDD and the CERES, Cadi Ayyad University, May 28th, 2015. The Workshop is a part of the COP22 activities within the University. Download the program
- International Conference HES2015 on: Human and Environmental Security in the Era go Global risks | November 25-27, 2015 | Agadir, Morocco. / Congrès International HES2015: Sécurité Humaine et Environnementale à l'Ère des Risques Globaux. 25-27 novembre 2015 | Agadir, Maroc. Download the program.
- International Conference GECS-2012: "Global environmental change and Human security: The need for a new vision for science, policy and leadership (climate change as an opportunity)"/ Congrès International GECS-2012: "Changement environnemental global et sécurité humaine: La nécessité d’une nouvelle vision de la science, de la politique et du leadership (changement climatique comme opportunité), Marrakech, November 15-17, 2012. Download the program.
- 2011: International Conference on "Climate Change, Agri-Food, Fisheries and Ecosystems: Reinventing Research, Innovation and Policy Agendas for Enviromentally- and Socially-Balanced Growth", May 19-21, 2011, Agadir | Download the program
- 2009 International Conference on "The Integration of Sustainble Agriculture, Rural Developement and Ecosystems in the Context of Food Insecurity, Climate Change, and the Energy Crisis", Agadir, November 12-14, 2009. Download the Program.
- 2008 Conference on "Health, Evironment and Human Development", April 13-14, 2008, Agadir. The Conference program