Center for Research on Environment, Human Security & Governance
- Workshop on "Climate Change within the Perspective of Human Security", organized by the Research Group INREDD and the CERES, Cadi Ayyad University, May 28th, 2015. The Workshop is a part of the COP22 activities within the University. Download the program
- International Conference HES2015 on: Human and Environmental Security in the Era go Global risks | November 25-27, 2015 | Agadir, Morocco. / Congrès International HES2015: Sécurité Humaine et Environnementale à l'Ère des Risques Globaux. 25-27 novembre 2015 | Agadir, Maroc. Download the program.
NRCS / Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (USA) / Institute for Civic Engagement (USA) Training Workshop: "Enhancing Student Engagement & Education for Citizenship in Morocco: Concepts, Tools and Approaches", February 27 & 28, 2013, Marrakech.
- NRCS-AEIF International Conference: "Making MENA region a Burgeoning Democracy: the Key and Strategic Role of Higher Education in Preparing Engaged and Leading Citizens (Focus on Moroccan Case", February 25-26, 2013, Marrakesh.
- Colloque International NRCS-AEIF: "Pour l'éclosion de la démocratie dans la région MENA: Le rôle stratégique de l'enseignement supérieur dans le renforcement de la citoyenneté engagée et le leadership (Zoom sur le Cas du Maroc)", 25-26 février 2013, Marrakech.
- NRCS / GIZ / NCCSD / ICBA Training Workshop: Environmental Mainstreaming in Development Planning Processes - Key Concepts, Tools and Successful Practices, Marrakesh, 20-21 November, 2012.
- International Conference GECS-2012: "Global environmental change and Human security: The need for a new vision for science, policy and leadership (climate change as an opportunity)"/ Congrès International GECS-2012: "Changement environnemental global et sécurité humaine: La nécessité d’une nouvelle vision de la science, de la politique et du leadership (changement climatique comme opportunité), Marrakech, November 15-17, 2012. Download the program.
- National Workshop on "The Role of Civic Education and Engagement in Shaping and Boosting Societal Change in Morocco", October 22nd, 2011, Agadir (Morocco)
- 2011: International Conference on "Climate Change, Agri-Food, Fisheries and Ecosystems: Reinventing Research, Innovation and Policy Agendas for Enviromentally- and Socially-Balanced Growth", May 19-21, 2011, Agadir | Download the program
- 2009 International Conference on "The Integration of Sustainble Agriculture, Rural Developement and Ecosystems in the Context of Food Insecurity, Climate Change, and the Energy Crisis", Agadir, November 12-14, 2009. Download the Program.
- 2008 Conference on "Health, Evironment and Human Development", April 13-14, 2008, Agadir. The Conference program.
- Sept.- Dec. 2013: Animation of a Focus Group on the University Social Responsibility (USR), on behalf of Careffour Associatif / Project spponsored by the UNICEF
- Study Project (2012-2013), Mainstreaming Climate Risk in Local Plannig Processes, on behalf of the GIZ.
- Research Project (2011): Food and Health Security Face to Climate Change in Morocco: An Adaptation Strategy within the Perspective of an Integrated Governance/ La sécurité alimentaire et sanitaire face au changement climatique : essai pour une stratégie d’adaptation dans le cadre d’une gouvernance intégrée, au profit de l'Institut Royal des Études Stratégiques (IRES)
- Research Project (2011): Civic education and engagement as pre-requisites to boost the democratization process in Morocco, Funded by the State Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (Departement of States)
- Research Project (2011-2013): Sustainable management of marine ecosystems and fisheries resources on the Moroccan Atlantic coast: A cross-sectional approach / Gestion durable des écosystèmes marins et des ressources halieutiques sur la cote atlantique marocaine : une approche intersectorielle, Action Intégrée Volubilis (code : Hubert Curien 24383VK).
- Research Project (2012-2015): The future of Mediterranean Livestock Farming Systems: Opportunity and efficiency of Crop–Livestock Integration. Funded by the Coordination of the Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Area.

Mohamed Behnassi, Halima Ouamouch et Driss Bouzaffour (2016), Université et dynamiques sociétales au Maroc: De nouveaux enjeux, des référentiels émergents, Éditions CERES.
Bonnin M., Laë R. et Behnassi M. (Dir.) (2015), Aires marines protégées ouest-africaines: Défis scientifiques et enjeux sociétaux, Éditions IRD, France
Behnassi M., Syomiti M.m Gopichandran, Shelat K. (2014), Vulnerability of Agriculture, Water and Fisheries to Climate Change: Toward Sustainable Adaptation Strategies, Springer, ISBN 978-94-017-8961-5
M. Behnassi, S.A. Shabbir and Nazia Habib-Mintz (2014), Science, Policy and Politics and Modern Agriculture, Springer
M. Behnassi, Olaf Pollmann and Gabrielle Kissinger (2013), Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change, Springer.
M. Behnassi, S.A. Shabbir and J. D’Silva (2011), Sustainable Agricultural Development: Recent Approaches in Resources Management and Environmentally-Balanced Production Enhancement, Springer.
M. Behnassi, S. Draggan and S. Yaya (2011), Global Food Insecurity: Rethinking Agricultural and Rural Development Paradigm and Policy, Springer.
S. Yaya et M. Behnassi (2011), Changement climatique, crise énergétique et insécurité alimentaire : Le monde en quête d’un visage, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 350p. ISBN: 978-2-7637-9485-3.
M. Behnassi et M.A. Mekouar (2011), Santé, Environnement et Développement: Approche Conceptuelle et Etudes Empiriques, Sarrebrück: Editions Universitaires Européennes.
Environmental Change and Human Security in the Middle East and Africa, M. Behnassi, Katriona McGlade, Springer, 2016 (in press) Socio-Ecological Systems and Climate Risks: Resilience and Adaptation Strategies in a Complex Context M. Behnassi, F. Arib, O. Barriere, C. Prévil et J. Stoessel-Ritz (eds.), CERES Editions (in press) Co-viability of Social and Ecological Systems: Reconnect Man to the Biosphere in a Global Era of Change Olivier Barrière, Serge Morand, Mohamed Behnassi, Gilbert David, Vincent Douzal, Voyner Ravena Canete, Catherine Prost, Thérèse Libourel, Mireille Fargette, Maud Loireau, Laurence Pascal, Frédérique Seyler, Springer, 2016 (Forthcoming) Climate Change Mitigation And Adaption Using Multi-Sector And Integrated Approaches |
Environmental Change, Geopolitics and Human Security Global Governance and North-South Dynamics Climate Change and Human Security Food and Health Governance and Security New Development Paradigms Science and Knowledge Diplomacy CSR in Developing World Democracy, Civic Engagement and Leadership